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"The Other Side's Playbook" Her Side, His Side and the Truth
is a hilarious look at the things that men and women do that get on each others nerves. This is not just a battle between the sexes but a look at how each group thinks, and why they think it. As the show builds Marvin Lee lets the women know EXACTLY what they do that drive men crazy all to the cheers of the men in the audience. As the show reaches a fevored pitch Marvin flips it on the men and gives them the "What for" to the screams and laughter of the women in the audience.
Set up in a Ted Talks format this stand-up comedy stage show is a high energy laugh ride that will take you through the world of between the sexes as only Marvin Lee can do it! Finally the show switches to an improv Q&A session between Marvin Lee and the audience where nothing is off the table. There is just one rule: YOU HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY HONEST with your answer NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE MIGHT THINK! making every show unique where nothing is off the table!
For the couples The Other Side's Playbook offers a 100% guarantee that you will learn something about your spouse that you never knew, no matter how long you've been together.
For the "Singles Edition" of the show Marvin Lee steps it up a notch by adding the after hours comedy social mixer to the different singles groups that attend.
Whether you're single or married, if you have ever been in a relationship for more than .... let's say ten minutes, you will definately find a lot to laugh about in this show.
In the end no matter which side you're on you'll see that no one is perfect and we should appeciate what the opposite sex brings to our lives. You will walk away from the show a little smarter and a lot happier because you now know The Other Side's Playbook.
Client Feedback:
"My stomach and cheeks hurt by the time his show was done!!!! I would recommend him to anyone and if I have the opportunity, I would hire him again!!!!
-Pam Trader Gig ID# 830060
Client Feedback:
"Client Review:Marvin had us all laughing - some crying from laughing so hard. Everyone enjoyed the show very much.
-Sue Vanderloop Gig ID# 1281637
Client Feedback:
"Mr. Lee has some of the best material I have ever heard. He IS the best performer I have ever seen! I now see comedy as science, not just telling jokes. I didn't feel as if he wrote a joke and was going to tell it regardless of the crowd, he had options. He studied the crowd, captivated their attention and did just what I asked, "Make their jaws hurt from laughing." There were teens in the audience as well as a few senior citizens; everyone was laughing. He was clean cut but the adults understood the subliminal/metaphorical provocativeness.
-Jovonni Banks (College of Southern Nevada)Gig ID# 1065603
Client Feedback:
"Marvin kept the crowd entertained throughout his entire show. He did a great job delivering a PG-13 performance that wasn't offensive to the crowd...yet continued to keep the audience laughing. Would definitely recommend!
-Dan Parrigan of the Knights of Columbus for Gig ID# 990953
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